
We are pleased to share our scientific contributions with you in order to help science move forward. Please find below some resources that might be valuable for your research!

Systematic Review on Multisensory Virtual Reality

The systematic review on multisensory virtual reality is part of the research paper entitled “Do Multisensory stimuli benefit the virtual reality experience? A systematic review” published on IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

An outcome of the manuscript is a searchable database regarding the qualitative analysis of the article, which can be downloaded here. When using the data of the Qualitative Analysis, you should cite the corresponding paper as follows:

Igroup Presence Questionnaire – Translated and Validated to Portuguese (IPQp):



  • [APA] Vasconcelos-Raposo, J., Bessa, M, Melo, M., Barbosa, L., Rodrigues, R., Teixeira, C. M., Cabral, L. & Augusto Sousa, A. (2016). Adaptation and Validation of the Igroup Presence Questionnaire (IPQ) in a Portuguese sample. Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments, 25(3).
  • [DOI: 10.1162/PRES_a_00261]
Presence Questionnaire – Translated and Validated to Portuguese (PQp):



  • [APA] Vasconcelos-Raposo, J., Melo, M., Barbosa, L., Teixeira, C., Cabral, L., & Bessa, M. (2021). Assessing presence in virtual environments: adaptation of the psychometric properties of the Presence Questionnaire to the Portuguese populations. Behaviour & Information Technology, 40(13), 1417-1427.
  • [DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2020.1754911]
Temple Presence Inventory Questionnaire – Translated and Validated to Portuguese (TPIp):



  • [APA] Vasconcelos-Raposo, J., Bessa, M., Teixeira, C. M., Cabral, L., Melo. (2018). Adaptation and Validation of the Temple Presence Inventory in a Portuguese Population. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction.
  • [DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1454143]
ITC – Sense of Presence Inventory Questionnaire – Translated and Validated to Portuguese (ITC-SOPIp):


The ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory (ITC-SOPI) is copyright of the i2 media research. To maintain the validity of the copyright, the ITC-SOPI cannot be published in this journal. If any laboratories are interested in using the original ITC-SOPI or the Portuguese version of the ITC-SOPI for research purposes, please contact Dr. Jane Lessiter ( or Dr. Jonathan Freeman ( Subject to laboratories agreeing to a short series of conditions, free use of the questionnaire will be approved.


  • [APA] Vasconcelos-Raposo, J., Bessa, M., Teixeira, C. M., Cabral, L., Melo. (2018). Adaptation and Validation of the ITC – Sense of Presence Inventory for the Portuguese language. International Journal of Human–Computer Studies.
  • [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.12.005]
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